Resultados: 3

Repercussões do uso abusivo de bebida alcoólica nas relações familiares de trabalhadores da construção civil

Ciênc. cuid. saúde; 18 (2), 2019
Objective:to analyze the repercussion of alcohol use in the families of construction workers who drink alcohol. Methods: qualitative study with 11 families of construction workers. A semi-structured interview was conducted between January and June 2013, and the interviews were analyze...

Alcoolismo e dinâmica familiar: sentimentos manifestos

Ciênc. cuid. saúde; 14 (4), 2015
O álcool é a substância psicoativa mais consumida no Brasil e a estimativa da sua dependência atinge maior população que as outras drogas. O objetivo deste estudo foi conhecer os sentimentos manifestos na dinâmica familiar de famílias com um de seus integrantes alcoolista. ...

Coping strategies used by family members of individuals receiving hemodialysis

Texto & contexto enferm; 23 (4), 2014
This descriptive, qualitative study aims to identify the coping strategies used most by the family members of patients with chronic kidney disease receiving hemodialysis. The data were collected through interviews, with the Coping Strategies Inventory questionnaire administered to ten family members, and...